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The directory server API.

Not all items within this class use the Active Directory API. Some use the Synology Entry API which proxies the request. Some are related to managing users in ways that are useful in the Directory Server context. For example, sending a user password reset email, or updating the user information. This api works slightly differently than other similar APIs. There are multi-leveled calls where Synology makes requests on behalf of the original request and relays information back. Additionally, the query-string api item is not used often in this class as API is defined within the actual request.

The APIs in this class are tested working against the following scenarios:

  • Getters :
    • Get Active Directory information
    • List objects within a Base DN on the Active Directory Server
    • Check if an AD object within your Directory Server
    • Get the status of a running task such as the Domain status update
  • Setters :
    • Set the user's AD password
    • Update user information within the Directory Server
    • Update Synology's awareness of the current state of the Domain
  • Actions :
    • Create an AD user
    • Add an AD user to an AD group
    • Create a new AD group
    • Send a password reset email to any Synology user
    • Delete a list of items from the Directory Server
    • Delete a single item from the Directory Server
    • Perform an entry request to complete a Deletion



Gets directory info.

Internal API



dict[str, object]
Information about your domain.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"data": {
"domainBasicInfo": {
"realm": "MY.DOMAIN.COM",
"workgroup": "NETBIOSNAME"
"domainControllers": [
"cn": "AD",
"dn": "CN=AD,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM",
"dnshostname": "AD.MY.DOMAIN.COM",
"roles": [
"status": "running"
"success": true


lists directory objects.

Internal API



basedn str
The Base DN for the search. eg. CN=Users,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM" or CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM

offset int
When searching large data, you may wish to start at a certain number, e.g. for 10 at a time one would set the limit to 10 and the offset by multiples of 10 for each request. Defaults to 0

limit int
The numeric the number of maximum objects to return. Defaults to 40

objectCategory optional, list[str]
The categories of items to search. e.g. ["organizationalUnit","container","builtinDomain"] for a list of base server containers, and ["person","group","organizationalUnit","computer"] for a list of contained objects. Defaults to ["person","group","organizationalUnit","computer","container","builtinDomain"]


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"data": [
"accountExpiryTime": 910692730085,
"deletable": true,
"description": "This is a description of a user person",
"disabled": false,
"displayName": "John Doe",
"dn": "CN=jdoe,CN=Users,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM",
"locked": false,
"mail": "jdoe@MY.EMAIL.COM",
"movable": true,
"name": "john",
"objectCategory": "person",
"passwordExpired": true,
"physicalDeliveryOfficeName": "official office of officers",
"primaryGroupToken": 0,
"renamable": true,
"sAMAccountName": "jdoe",
"showInAdvancedViewOnly": false,
"telephoneNumber": "123-444-5677"
"total": 99999
"success": true


Create a new user.


The user can be created in AD, but not able to log on until the next synchronization occurs.


Please note that synchronization with Synology is a separate step.

Internal API



logon_name str
The desired username. E.g jdoe.

email str
The desired email.

password str
The plain-text password for the new user. E.g Password123.

located_dn str
The DN for the user. E.g CN=Users,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM.

description str
A description for the user.

account_is_disabled str
Set to 'true' if the account should be disabled Defaults to False.

cannot_change_password str
Set to 'true' if the user cannot change the password Defaults to False.

change_password_next_logon str
Set to 'true' if the user must change password on next logon Defaults to False.

cannot_change_password str
Set to 'true' if the user cannot change the password Defaults to False.

password_never_expire str
Pwd Never Expire


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary. The data dictionary contains an 'error', or it contains a 'dn' and a 'name'.

Example return

Click to expand
'data': {
'dn': 'CN=jdoe,CN=Users,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM',
'name': 'NETBIOSNAME\ababab'
'success': true


Send a password reset email.
This will trigger the password reset email from Control Panel>Notification>Rules>System>Reset password for your account to be sent to the user.


In order to use this, Control Panel>User & Group>Advanced>"Allow non-administrator users to reset forgotten passwords via email" must be enabled.

Internal API



username str
The username to reset. E.g. My Group


dict[str, object]
The return object can be checked for the "success" to be a true or false.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"msg": 3
"success": true


Change the user's password.


This is a compound dual-level request where the synology API proxies your request to the Directory Server.

Internal API



user_dn str
The user DN to be modified. eg. CN=jdoe,CN=Users,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM

password str
The new password to be set. e.g. Password123


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": false,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.User",
"data": [
"code": 0,
"msg": "update record successfully"
"method": "set",
"success": true,
"version": 2
"success": true


Create a new AD group.

Internal API



name str
The name of the group. E.g. My Group

located_dn str
The DN to place the group in. eg. CN=Groups,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM

email str
The email address used to reference this group. Defaults to ""

description str
A description of the AD Group. Defaults to ""

type str
Example Options: security, distribution
(definitions from )

  • distribution (Distribution groups) are used for sending email notifications to a group of people.
  • security - Security groups are used for granting access to resources such as SharePoint sites.
    Defaults to "security"

scope str
Example Options : local, global, universal
(Definitions from )

  • local (Domain Local Groups) should be used to manage permissions to resources because this group can be applied everywhere in the domain. A domain local group can include members of any type in the domain and members from trusted domains. For example, suppose you need access management for a collection of folders on one or more servers that contain information for managers. The group you create for that purpose should be a domain local group (ex. “DL_Managers_Modify”).
  • global (Global Groups) are used primarily to define collections of domain objects (users, other global groups and computers) based on business roles, which means that they mostly serve as role groups. Role-based groups of users (such as “HR” or “Marketing”) and role-based groups of computers (such as a “Marketing Workstations”) areusually global groups.
  • universal (Universal Groups) in Active Directory are useful in multi-domain forests. They enable you to define roles or manage resources that span more than one domain. Each universal group is stored in the domain of where it was created, but its group membership is stored in the Global Catalog and replicated forest-wide. Don’t use universal groups if you have only one domain.
    Defaults to "global"


dict[str, object]
A success object, and data object containing the new dn and the netbios name of the group.

Example return

Click to expand
'data': {
'dn': 'CN=My Group,CN=Groups,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM',
'name': 'NETBIOSNAME\My Group'
'success': true


Adds a user as a member of a group.

Internal API



userDn str
The fully qualified dn to add. eg. CN=jdoe,CN=Users,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM

groupDn str
the fully qualified dn of the group to which the user is to be added. e.g. CN=My Group,CN=Groups,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": false,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.Group.Member",
"data": {
"members": [
"method": "add",
"success": true,
"version": 1
"success": true


Checks if a container exists. This can be used to verifiy the username or group name is unique.


This will not check the container, only if a similarly named container already exists.

Internal API



groupName str
The user, or group's name. e.g. jdoe or My Cool Group
Fully Qualified Domain Name such as CN=My Cool Group,CN=Groups,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM are not successful.
Improper case such as my cool group instead of My Cool Group are successful


dict[str, object]
True if the group exists. False if the group does not exist


Performs modification to user information within the Active Directory.

Internal API



user_dn str
The user DN to be modified. eg. CN=jdoe,CN=Users,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM

firstName str
The First name of the user. e.g. John

lastName str
The Last Name of the user. e.g. Doe

displayName str
The Display name of the user. e.g. John Doe

description str
The Descrition of the user. e.g. The guy who just came in

initials str
The Initials of the user. e.g. JD

physicalDeliveryOfficeName str
The office location in the user's place of business

telephoneNumber str
The user's telephone number.

web str
The user's website or location on the web where information can be obtained.


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": true,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.User",
"error": {
"code": 10104,
"errors": [
"code": 10237,
"msg": "ldb updaterecords: modify"
"method": "set",
"success": false,
"version": 2
"success": true


Performs modification to an object within the Active Directory.

Internal API



modificationAPI str
API to be used

method str
Method to be called

nameOfObject str
The user DN to be modified. eg. "CN=jdoe,CN=Users,DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM"

jsonObject str
The json Object to be added, eg, a user object where the


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": true,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.User",
"error": {
"code": 10104,
"errors": [
"code": 10237,
"msg": "ldb updaterecords: modify"
"method": "set",
"success": false,
"version": 2
"success": true


Updates the Synology users and groups database with information from Directory Server.
This is a long-running and asynchronous task. You are given back a task_id, and you can use that task_id to check the status with the get_task_status(task_id) method.

Internal API



dict[str, object]
The 'data' object contains the 'task_id' used to track with the getTaskStatus() method.
The 'success' object will be true if the operation was successful. or false if failed.

Example return

Click to expand
status = directory.getTaskStatus(updateResponse['data']['task_id'])
while status['data']['status'] == 'updating':


Gets the current status of a task running on the Directory Domain object.
This is used to ensure the task is completed. For example, the primary utilization of this is when updating Synology's internal Domain user and group list.
Until this method reports finish, the job is not completed, and it is not safe to operate under the assumption that users have been synchronized.

Internal API



task_id str
The task ID to be tracked for status.


dict[str, object]
The 'data' object contains the 'status' used to determine the current status. 'status' will be 'updating' or 'finish' if the job was started. T The 'success' object will be true if the operation was successful. or false if failed.

Example return

Click to expand
'data': {
'status': 'updating'
'success': true


Deletes an array of DNs from AD.

Internal API



dnList list[str]
The fully qualified DN to be removed from the directory server. eg. ["CN=jdoe,CN=Users,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM","CN=My Group,CN=Groups,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM"]


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": false,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.Polling",
"data": {
"data": [
"dn": "CN=My Group,CN=Groups,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM",
"status": {}
"finished": true,
"total": 1
"method": "get",
"success": true,
"version": 1
"success": true


Deletes a DN from AD.

Internal API



dn str
The fully qualified DN to be removed from the directory server. eg. CN=jdoe,CN=Users,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM or CN=My Group,CN=Groups,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM


dict[str, object]
The result of this method is a dictionary object with a 'data' dictionary and a 'success' dictionary.
The first level is the success to the AD server. The second Data level is the status of the actual request.
Since this is a compound request, the data contains an object with it's own request and results contained within. The object will explain any issues with the request.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_fail": false,
"result": [
"api": "SYNO.ActiveDirectory.Polling",
"data": {
"data": [
"dn": "CN=My Group,CN=Groups,CN=MY,CN=DOMAIN,CN=COM",
"status": {}
"finished": true,
"total": 1
"method": "get",
"success": true,
"version": 1
"success": true


Some requests require an entry.
Delete for example requires an entry. If an entry is required, the task will not complete without an Entry Request.

Internal API



task_id str
The ID of the task to be checked. This is provided when making a request.
An example Task ID may look like this @administrators/Synoads_SYNO.ActiveDirectory.Directory_delete6145EA17C4F03DA9