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Active Backup for Business API Implementation.

This class provides methods to interact with the Active Backup for Business package.

Supported methods

  • Getters :
    • Get package settings
    • Get tasks information
    • Get tasks versions information
    • Get devices information
    • Get devices transfer size
    • Get hypervisors information
    • Get package / devices / tasks logs
    • Get task history
    • Get task result details
    • Get storage information
  • Setters :
    • Set maximum concurrent devices
    • Set retention policy execution time
    • Set bandwidth control
    • Set use package certificate
  • Actions :
    • Run backup
    • Cancel backup
    • Remove task
    • Remove version



Get the package settings including certificate information.

Internal API



dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing the current settings.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"cert_info": {
"cert_from_dsm": {
"cert_common_name": "",
"cert_issuer": "R10",
"cert_san": [
"cert_tillTime": "May 29 18:54:13 2025 GMT"
"cert_from_package": {
"cert_common_name": "Active Backup for Business",
"cert_issuer": "Synology Active Backup for Business",
"cert_san": [
"Active Backup for Business"
"cert_tillTime": "Apr 17 19:14:52 2034 GMT"
"cert_use_package": true
"settings": [
"id": 1,
"name": "max_concurrent_devices",
"value": "5"
"id": 2,
"name": "memory_usage_limit_percentage",
"value": "75"
"id": 3,
"name": "package_cert_id",
"value": "dyAaL7"
"id": 4,
"name": "enable_global_bandwidth_control",
"value": "false"
"id": 5,
"name": "global_backup_bandwidth_number",
"value": "0"
"id": 6,
"name": "enable_ip_range_bandwidth_control",
"value": "false"
"id": 7,
"name": "full_backup_task_ids",
"value": "2"
"name": "retention_run_hour",
"value": "14"
"name": "retention_run_min",
"value": "50"
"success": true


Set the maximum number of concurrent devices that can be backed up at the same time.


You can run multiple concurrent backup devices, but only up to the maximum limit you set—provided that your NAS's RAM usage does not exceed its limit.


This setting will be effective starting from the next backup.

Internal API



value int
Maximum number of concurrent devices.


dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Set the time of day when the retention policy will be executed.

Internal API



hour int
Hour in 24-hour format (0 - 23) when the retention policy will be executed.

minute int
Minute (0 - 59) when the retention policy will be executed


dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Set the global bandwidth control and IP range bandwidth control.


Applies only to PC, Physical Server and NAS devices.


When multiple tasks run simultaneously, the system will evenly distribute the throttled traffic.

Internal API



traffic_control dict[str, object]
Traffic control settings.
Defaults to { 'enable': False, 'bandwidth': 0 } (disable traffic throttling).
Bandwidth should be specified in MB/s.

ip_range list[str]
If specified, traffic control will only be applied to this IP range.
Defaults to ["", ""] (disable IP range bandwidth control).
First index should contain the IP range start, second index the IP range end. Only supports IPv4 format.

["", ""]


dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Set whether to use the self signed certificate provided by the package.

Internal API



use_package_cert bool
Use the certificate provided by the package.


dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Get a list of all configured hypervisors present in ABB.

Internal API



dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing a list of hypervisors.


Get a list of all devices and their respective transfer size for the given time frame.

Internal API



time_start int
Time window start time. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 24 hours ago.

time_end int
Time window end time. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to current time.


dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing a list of devices and their transfer size.

Example return

Click to expand
"data" : {
"device_list" : [
"device" : {
"agent_token" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"agentless_auth_policy" : 0,
"auto_discovery" : false,
"backup_type" : 2,
"create_time" : 1709413484,
"device_id" : 5,
"device_uuid" : "xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"dsm_model" : "",
"dsm_unique" : "",
"host_ip" : "",
"host_name" : "xxxxx",
"host_port" : 0,
"hypervisor_id" : "",
"inventory_id" : 0,
"login_password" : "",
"login_time" : 1709413493,
"login_user" : "xxxx",
"login_user_id" : 1026,
"os_name" : "Windows 11(64-bit)",
"vm_moid_path" : ""
"transfer_list" : [
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 342,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 587,
"status" : 5,
"time_end" : 1741895385,
"time_start" : 1741894511,
"transfered_bytes" : 1523580928
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 343,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 589,
"status" : 5,
"time_end" : 1741896408,
"time_start" : 1741896176,
"transfered_bytes" : 6909067264
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 344,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 590,
"status" : 5,
"time_end" : 1741896716,
"time_start" : 1741896624,
"transfered_bytes" : 444596224
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 346,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 591,
"status" : 2,
"time_end" : 1741901184,
"time_start" : 1741896737,
"transfered_bytes" : 482689236992
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 347,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 593,
"status" : 2,
"time_end" : 1741946439,
"time_start" : 1741946267,
"transfered_bytes" : 2122801152
"config_device_id" : 5,
"device_name" : "xxxxx",
"device_result_id" : 348,
"processed_bytes" : 0,
"result_id" : 595,
"status" : 2,
"time_end" : 1741972250,
"time_start" : 1741971826,
"transfered_bytes" : 8208736256
"total" : 1
"success" : true


Get information of one or all tasks.

Internal API



task_id int
Get information of specific task. Defaults to -1 (all tasks)

backup_type str
Return only tasks matching the device type provided. Defaults to "" (all device types).
Possible values:

  • "vm"
  • "pc"
  • "physical_server"
  • "file_server"
  • "nas"

Note that values are different when returned by the API.
Return values mappings:

  • 1 -> vm
  • 2 -> pc
  • 3 -> physical_server
  • 4 -> file_server
  • 5 -> nas

status str
Return only tasks matching the status provided. Defaults to "" (all status).
Possible values:

  • "backingup"
  • "waiting"
  • "deleting"
  • "unscheduled"

from_date int
Only include tasks for which last backup is greater or equal to this date. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

to_date int
Only include tasks for which last backup is less or equal to this date. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

include_versions bool
Include versions information in the response. Defaults to False.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing a list of tasks.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"has_devices": true,
"has_dsm_agent": false,
"has_hyperv_inventories": false,
"has_linux_agent": false,
"has_mac_agent": false,
"has_vmware_inventories": false,
"has_windows_agent": true,
"tasks": [{
"agentless_backup_path" : "",
"agentless_backup_policy" : 0,
"agentless_enable_block_transfer" : false,
"agentless_enable_dedup" : false,
"agentless_enable_windows_vss" : false,
"allow_manual_backup" : true,
"backup_cache_content" : {
"cached_enabled" : false
"backup_external" : false,
"backup_type" : 2,
"bandwidth" : 0,
"bandwidth_content" : {
"backup_bandwidth_base" : 0,
"backup_bandwidth_number" : 0,
"enable" : false
"cbt_enable_mode" : 1,
"connection_timeout" : 0,
"custom_volume" : [],
"datastore_reserved_percentage" : 0,
"dedup_api_restore" : true,
"dedup_path" : "",
"device_count" : 1,
"devices" : [{
"agent_can_backup" : true,
"agent_driver_status" : "enable",
"agent_status" : "online",
"agent_token" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"agentless_auth_policy" : 0,
"auto_discovery" : false,
"backup_type" : 2,
"create_time" : 1709413484,
"device_id" : 5,
"device_uuid" : "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"driver_status" : null,
"dsm_model" : "",
"dsm_unique" : "",
"host_ip" : "",
"host_name" : "xxxxxxxxx",
"host_port" : 0,
"hypervisor_id" : "",
"inventory_id" : 0,
"login_password" : "",
"login_time" : 1709413493,
"login_user" : "xxxx",
"login_user_id" : 1026,
"os_name" : "Windows 11(64-bit)",
"platform_type" : 1,
"vm_moid_path" : ""
"enable_app_aware_bkp" : false,
"enable_compress_transfer" : true,
"enable_datastore_aware" : false,
"enable_dedup" : true,
"enable_encrypt_transfer" : true,
"enable_notify" : false,
"enable_shutdown_after_complete" : false,
"enable_verification" : false,
"enable_wake_up" : false,
"enable_windows_working_state" : false,
"last_result" : {
"backup_type" : 2,
"detail_path" : "",
"error_count" : 0,
"job_action" : 1,
"none_count" : 0,
"result_id" : 593,
"status" : 2,
"success_count" : 0,
"task_config" : {
"device_list" : [
"device_id" : 5,
"host_name" : "xxxxxxxxxx"
"task_id" : 5,
"task_name" : "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"time_end" : 1741946439,
"time_start" : 1741946267,
"transfered_bytes" : 2122801152,
"warning_count" : 0
"last_version_id" : 163,
"max_concurrent_devices" : 0,
"next_trigger_time" : 1742176800,
"pre_post_script_setting" : {
"post_script_path" : "",
"pre_script_path" : "",
"script_exec_mode" : 0
"repo_dir" : "@ActiveBackup",
"retention_policy" : {
"gfs_days" : "7",
"gfs_months" : "12",
"gfs_weeks" : "4",
"gfs_years" : "3",
"keep_all" : false,
"keep_versions" : 10
"sched_content" : {
"backup_window" : "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
"enable_backup_window" : false,
"is_continuous_paused" : false,
"repeat_hour" : 0,
"repeat_type" : "Weekly",
"run_hour" : 3,
"run_min" : 0,
"run_weekday" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ],
"schedule_setting_type" : 1,
"start_day" : 0,
"start_month" : 0,
"start_year" : 0
"sched_id" : 0,
"sched_modify_time" : 1709413646,
"share_compressed" : false,
"share_name" : "ActiveBackupforBusiness",
"source_type" : 2,
"storage_compress_algorithm" : 0,
"storage_encrypt_algorithm" : 0,
"storage_id" : 1,
"target_dir" : "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"target_status" : "online",
"task_id" : 5,
"task_name" : "xxx",
"unikey" : "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"verification_policy" : 120,
"version_count" : 2,
"versions" : [
"crypto_key_id" : 0,
"data_format" : 1,
"folder_name" : "ActiveBackup_2025-03-14_105745",
"is_snapshot" : true,
"locked" : false,
"status" : 3,
"time_end" : 1741946439,
"time_start" : 1741946267,
"used_size" : 0,
"version_id" : 163
"crypto_key_id" : 0,
"data_format" : 1,
"folder_name" : "ActiveBackup_2025-03-13_211215",
"is_snapshot" : true,
"locked" : false,
"status" : 3,
"time_end" : 1741901184,
"time_start" : 1741896737,
"used_size" : 0,
"version_id" : 162
"view_type" : "",
"vm_folder" : null
"total": 1
"success": true


Get logs from the package, tasks and devices. From [Activities -> Log] screen in ABB.
For specific task logs [Task List -> Details -> Log], specify task_id parameter.

Internal API



task_id int
Get logs of specific task. Defaults to -1 (all logs - package/tasks/devices)

log_level str
Type of logs to return. Defaults to "" (all types).
Possible values:

  • "error"
  • "warning"
  • "information"

Note that values are different when returned by the API.
Return values mappings:

  • 0 -> error
  • 1 -> warning
  • 2 -> information

keyword str
Keyword used to filter the results. Defaults to "".

from_date int
Date from which the results will start. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

to_date int
Date until which the results will start. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

offset int
Offset results by this value. Defaults to 0.

limit int
Amount of results to be returned. Defaults to 200.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing a list of logs.

Example return

Click to expand
"count": 1,
"logs": [
"backup_type": 4,
"device_id": 6,
"device_name": "xxxx",
"error_code": 0,
"log_id": 5525,
"log_level": 0,
"log_time": 1741897498,
"log_type": 1104,
"other_params": {
"backup_type": 4,
"device_id": 6,
"device_name": "xxxx",
"platform_type": 0,
"task_id": 8,
"task_name": "xxxxxxxx",
"user_id": 0,
"user_name": ""
"result_id": 592,
"task_id": 8,
"task_name": "xxxxxxxx",
"user_id": 0,
"user_name": ""


Return the history of task execution.

Internal API



task_id int
Get logs of specific task. Defaults to -1 (all tasks)

status str
Return only tasks matching the status provided. Defaults to "" (all status).
Possible values:

  • "success"
  • "partial_success"
  • "fail"
  • "cancel"

Note that values are different when returned by the API.
Return values mappings:

  • 2 -> success
  • 3 -> partial_success
  • 4 -> fail
  • 5 -> cancel

backup_type str
Return only tasks matching the device type provided. Defaults to "" (all device types).
Possible values:

  • "vm"
  • "pc"
  • "physical_server"
  • "file_server"
  • "nas"

Note that values are different when returned by the API.
Return values mappings:

  • 1 -> vm
  • 2 -> pc
  • 3 -> physical_server
  • 4 -> file_server
  • 5 -> nas

action_type str
Return only tasks matching the task type provided. Defaults to "" (all task types).
Possible values:

  • "backup"
  • "dedup_data"
  • "restore"
  • "migrate"
  • "delete_targe"
  • "delete_version"
  • "delete_host"
  • "relink"
  • "create_task"

Note that values are different when returned by the API.
Return values mappings:

  • 1 -> backup
  • 1048576 -> dedup_data
  • [128,1024,2048] -> restore
  • 256 -> migrate
  • 65536 -> delete_target
  • 131072 -> delete_version
  • 262144 -> delete_host
  • 2097152 -> relink
  • 268435456 -> create_task

keyword str
Keyword used to filter the results. Defaults to "".

from_date int
Date from which the results will start. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

to_date int
Date until which the results will start. Format must be epoch date in seconds. Defaults to 0 (no time limit).

offset int
Offset results by this value. Defaults to 0.

limit int
Amount of results to be returned. Defaults to 200.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing a list of results.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"count": 1,
"results": [
"backup_type": 2,
"detail_path": "",
"error_count": 0,
"job_action": 131072,
"none_count": 0,
"result_id": 594,
"status": 2,
"success_count": 1,
"task_config": {
"device_list": [
"host_name": "xxxxxxx"
"task_id": 5,
"task_name": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"time_end": 1741952422,
"time_start": 1741952402,
"warning_count": 0
"success": true


Get details of a task result log. result_id can be retrieved from list_logs() function.

Internal API



result_id int
ID of the result to get details from.

limit int
Amount of results to be returned. Defaults to 500.

order_by str
What to order the results by. Defaults to "log_level".
Possible values:

  • "log_level"
  • "log_time"

direction str
Direction of the order. Defaults to "ASC".
Possible values:

  • "ASC"
  • "DESC"


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing a list of result details.

Example return

Click to expand
"data": {
"count": 2,
"result_detail_list": [
"error_code": 0,
"log_level": 0,
"log_time": 1741897456,
"log_type": 6002,
"other_params": {
"fs_error": -65,
"os_name": "smb",
"path": "/D",
"task_id": 8
"result_detail_id": 9526,
"result_id": 592
"error_code": 0,
"log_level": 0,
"log_time": 1741897498,
"log_type": 1104,
"other_params": {
"os_name": "smb",
"path": "",
"task_id": 8,
"task_name": "SMB LAPTOP"
"result_detail_id": 9527,
"result_id": 592
"success": true


Get a list of all storage devices present in ABB.

Internal API



dict[str, object]
A dictionary containing a list of storage devices.

Example return

Click to expand
"data" : {
"storages" : [
"automount_iv" : "",
"automount_location" : "",
"backup_tasks" : [],
"compacting" : false,
"compacting_percentage" : 0,
"compressed_size" : 0,
"dedup_size" : 1617010274304,
"delete_tasks" : [],
"delete_versions" : [],
"device_count" : 4,
"device_info" : {
"agentless_count" : 1,
"agentless_size" : 0,
"dsm_count" : 0,
"dsm_size" : 0,
"pc_count" : 2,
"pc_size" : 6128863440896,
"server_count" : 1,
"server_size" : 0,
"vm_count" : 0,
"vm_size" : 0
"fs_name" : "btrfs",
"fs_type" : 3,
"mounted" : true,
"relink_state" : {
"alive" : false,
"owner" : true,
"state" : 0
"repo_dir" : "@ActiveBackup",
"share_name" : "ActiveBackupforBusiness",
"storage_compress_algorithm" : 0,
"storage_encrypt_algorithm" : 0,
"storage_id" : 1,
"vol_name" : "Volume 3",
"volume_path" : "/volume3"
"success" : true


Trigger a backup event for the given tasks.

Internal API



task_ids list[int]
List of task IDs to trigger the backup event.
Even if only one task is specified, a list has to be passed as argument.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Cancel specified ongoing task.

Internal API



task_ids list[int]
List of task IDs to trigger the cancellation event.
Even if only one task is specified, a list has to be passed as argument.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Remove the given tasks from ABB.


This will remove the task and all its versions from the NAS. The backed up data will not be preserved after this operation.

Internal API



task_ids list[int]
List of task IDs to remove.
Even if only one task is specified, a list has to be passed as argument.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true


Delete the specified versions from a task.


This will remove the specified versions from the NAS. The corresponding versions data will not be preserved after this operation.

Internal API



task_id int
Task ID from which to delete the versions.

versions_ids list[int]
List of version IDs to delete.


dict[str, object]
Dictionary containing the result of the operation.

Example return

Click to expand
"success": true